
AnyPackage is an extensible package management interface. Logic in the package provider is usually limited to structuring calls to the package manager. This presents some security considerations as package provider, package manager, and packages must be trusted by the user.


  • AnyPackage - PowerShell module and API for user interaction with package providers.
  • Package Provider - An implementation of the AnyPackage API shipped in a PowerShell module.
  • Package Manager - The package lifecycle logic for example: WinGet, Chocolatey, Scoop, APT, DNF, etc.

Package Providers

Only import trusted package providers.

AnyPackage project package providers are signed. Third party created package providers may not be signed. PowerShell execution policies provide controls to prohibit unsigned modules from being imported.


Only install packages from trusted sources.

AnyPackage itself does not perform any validation checks on packages returned by the package provider. AnyPackage relies on the package manager to perform those checks. Refer to each package manager documentation for policies on package validation. An example is the Chocolatey community repository.