

Short Description

Describes what the AnyPackage module is and how to use it.

Long Description

AnyPackage is not a package management system in the traditional sense but rather a way to interact with multiple package management systems. This lets users have a single set of commands to interact with any package management system instead of learning a unique set of commands.

Package Providers

A package provider is the method used for AnyPackage to interface with a specific package management system. For more information see about_Package_Providers.

Creating Package Providers

To create your own package provider see about_Creating_Package_Providers.

Finding Package Providers

Providers are shipped via PowerShell modules. These modules can be identified by having the AnyPackage and Provider tags.

Importing Package Providers

To import a package provider you will need to import the PowerShell module containing the provider. For more information see about_Package_Providers.

Removing Package Providers

To remove a package provider you will need to remove the PowerShell module containing the provider. For more information see about_Package_Providers.

See Also