
Namespace: AnyPackage.Provider

The supported operations for a package provider.

public enum PackageProviderOperations

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumPackageProviderOperations
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Name Value Description
None 0 The package provider does not support any operations.
Find 1 The package provider supports the Find-Package command.
Get 2 The package provider supports the Get-Package command.
Publish 4 The package provider supports the Publish-Package command.
Install 8 The package provider supports the Install-Package command.
Save 16 The package provider supports the Save-Package command.
Uninstall 32 The package provider supports the Uninstall-Package command.
Unpublish 64 The package provider supports the Unpublish-Package command.
Update 128 The package provider supports the Update-Package command.
GetSource 256 The package provider supports the Get-PackageSource command.
SetSource 512 The package provider supports the Register-PackageSource,
Set-PackageSource, and Unregister-PackageSource command.