

Short Description

Provides access to PowerShell module ModuleFast.

Long Description

The ModuleFast package provider for AnyPackage module lets you interact with ModuleFast using standardized commands.

The Programs package provider supports the following cmdlets.

  • Install-Package

Dynamic Parameters

Dynamic parameters are cmdlet parameters that are added by a package provider and are available only when -Provider ModuleFast parameter is used.

Destination <System.String>

Where to install the modules. This defaults to the builtin module path on non-windows and a custom LOCALAPPDATA location on Windows. You can also specify ‘CurrentUser’ to install to the Documents folder on Windows Only (this is not recommended)

Cmdlets Supported

  • Install-Package

ThrottleLimit <System.Int32>

How many concurrent installation threads to run. Each installation thread, given sufficient bandwidth, will likely saturate a full CPU core with decompression work. This defaults to the number of logical cores on the system. If your system uses HyperThreading and presents more logical cores than physical cores available, you may want to set this to half your number of logical cores for best performance.

Cmdlets Supported

  • Install-Package

CILockFilePath <System.String>

The path to the lockfile. By default it is requires.lock.json in the current folder. This is ignored if -CI parameter is not present. It is generally not recommended to change this setting.

Cmdlets Supported

  • Install-Package

Update <System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter>

Setting this will check for newer modules if your installed modules are not already at the upper bound of the required version range. Note that specifying this will also clear the local request cache for remote repositories which will result in slower evaluations if the information has not changed.

Cmdlets Supported

  • Install-Package

NoProfileUpdate <System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter>

Setting this won’t add the default destination to your powershell.config.json. This really only matters on Windows.

Cmdlets Supported

  • Install-Package

NoPSModulePathUpdate <System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter>

By default will modify your PSModulePath to use the builtin destination if not present. Setting this implicitly skips profile update as well.

Cmdlets Supported

  • Install-Package

See Also