

Short Description

Describes what a AnyPackage package provider is and how to use it.

Long Description

A package provider is used to extend AnyPackage module. This article contains information with interacting with package providers.

Importing a Package Provider

Importing the AnyPackage module will not automatically load package providers. The user is responsible for which providers are available. To import a package provider run Import-Module with the module containing the provider.

NOTE! Once a package provider is imported trying to load a different version requires PowerShell to be restarted. This is due to how .NET does not reload types.

Removing a Package Provider

To remove a package provider run Remove-Module containing the provider. To confirm package provider has been removed run Get-PackageProvider.

Provider Specific Parameters

Package providers can provide additional parameters in the context of provider and operation being performed. For example, the PowerShellGet provider adds the Tag parameter to Find-Package.

Provider specific parameters are only available when the -Provider parameter is used. In the PowerShellGet example the command would be Find-Package -Provider PowerShellGet -Tag DSC.

The PowerShell engine has some limitations at this time on how discoverable dynamic parameters are. To make this as easy as possible use the following recommendations:

  • Provider parameter should be before any provider specific parameters.
  • Use PSReadLine menu complete (CTRL+SPACE) or tab completion.

Here is an example of using PSReadLine menu complete and provider parameters. The first command is using menu complete without any parameters. Take note of how Tag is not present. Type Find-Package - followed by CTRL+SPACE to bring up menu complete.

Find-Package -
Name                 Provider             WarningAction        InformationVariable
Version              Verbose              InformationAction    OutVariable
Source               Debug                ErrorVariable        OutBuffer
Prerelease           ErrorAction          WarningVariable      PipelineVariable

Now we will add -Provider PowerShellGet to add the provider parameters. Take note of how Tag is now available to use and the tooltip at the bottom gives the parameter type.

Find-Package -Provider PowerShellGet -Tag
Name                 Tag                  ErrorAction          WarningVariable      PipelineVariable
Version              Type                 WarningAction        InformationVariable
Source               Verbose              InformationAction    OutVariable
Prerelease           Debug                ErrorVariable        OutBuffer

[string[]] Tag

Provider Priority

A priority system is used to allow only a single provider to perform an action on a package name even if that package exists in multiple providers. The commands that use the priority system are:

  • Install-Package
  • Save-Package
  • Uninstall-Package

For example, lets say a user tries to install a package Microsoft.PowerShell.Security. This package exists in the PowerShellGet and NuGet provider. If the user were run Install-Package -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.Security which provider would take priority? To answer that question lets describe how the priority systems works.

The priority scale is from 0-255 with a default value of 100. A lower number is higher priority. If multiple providers have the same priority value then the provider’s FullName will be used. The provider FullName is the module and provider name in this format: Module\Provider for example, PowerShellGet provider would be AnyPackage.Provider.PowerShellGet\PowerShellGet.

To view a provider’s priority use the Get-PackageProvider command.


Name                 Priority Operations
----                 -------- ----------
NuGet                     100 Find, Get, Publish, Install, Save, Uninstall, Update, GetSource, SetSource
PowerShellGet             100 Find, Get, Publish, Install, Save, Uninstall, Update, GetSource, SetSource

To change a provider’s priority first get the provider with Get-PackageProvider and save it to a variable. Then set the Priority property with the new priority.

$provider = Get-PackageProvider -Name PowerShellGet
$provider.Priority = 50
Get-PackageProvider -Name PowerShellGet

Name                 Priority Operations
----                 -------- ----------
PowerShellGet              50 Find, Get, Publish, Install, Save, Uninstall, Update, GetSource, SetSource

See Also